Diego Barraza

Filmmaker and creative thinker at heart, he was awarded the Mole & Richardson Hollywood Lighting Contest in the year 2000. Recent film collaborations include Dutch-Spanish production “Tramontana” and the "Canterbury Tales" documentary.
Read the Director's notes on the process of the film in this article for GaiamTV
Production Details
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Production details:
Name: Part & Parcel a Yoga documentary Satsang
Produced by SaGuarda Studios
Directed by Diego Barraza
Camera and Editing: Chinoix
Sound and original score by: Richard Norris
Speakers: Professor H.P. Devaki, Surfing Swami, Swamiji Jamana Giri,
Matthew Clark PhD, Arun Achappa, B.N.S. Iyengar, Baptiste Marceau
Music: Mahabongo, Richard Norris, Sharaab, Danny Paradise feat Dominic Miller and Edie Brickel
Line Producer: Kirsten Germann
Yoga Hero: Suresh Baht
Field Producers: Surya Prakash, Shivanand Kambimat and Nealesh Rodricks
Sanskrit consultant: Dr. Ronald Steiner
Script Consultant: Shai Hussain, Mark Bedford
Creative consultants: Gavin Blowman and Frida Larios
Additional still photos: Heather Halavais and Valerie Shaff
VO coach: Annette Armstrong
Duration: 55min 05sec
Format: 16:9 HD
Country: UK
Contact: info@partandparcelfilm.com
Executive producer sponsors:
Incredible Organic Herbs
Fair Trade Yoga Bags and Clothes
Produced by